The keyboard is designed for the best tactical feeling using silicone buttons, which gives a soft and light feeling when operating.
The keyboard is delivered in US-keyboard layout and has dim-able red LED-backlight.
The label above the function-keys can be custom made, to easily adapt the keyboard to customer specific needs.
The keyboard can also be ordered with custom layouts, which gives even further flexibility with very little additional development, time and cost. Each key on the keyboards can be individually labeled and can generate user’s required key codes and languages. Sequenced key codes can also be generated on a single key.
The panel can also be delivered with custom color, logo and design requirements.
The panel is designed as a drop-in-panel, which requires a cutout in the console and 6x countersunk M4 screws. A desktop version is also avalible.
The keyboard is installed by using a standard USB cable type A-B – where the type B connector is connected to the panel and the type A connector is connected to PC/unit.
Device driver
The keyboard are USB HID interface compatible and there is no need for a special device driver.
LED and Backlight adjustments
The panel have integrated backlight that illuminates all keys and label above function-keys. The dim level is adjusted using the Dim + and Dim – keys.
Høgåsvegen 99,
3684 Notodden, Norway
Org. No. 988717886
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